Lowering the barrier to entry in this ever more difficult field

We are StudSec, a Student CyberSecurity Association based at VU Amsterdam, committed to making the CyberSecurity field more accessible to every student. Our mission is fulfilled through hosting workshops and tutorials across various sectors of cybersecurity, complemented by continuous mentorship from industry professionals. Our goal is to offer a platform for students to learn and grow through practical experience, networking, and knowledge sharing.

We understand that cybersecurity might not appeal to everyone, but we firmly believe that everyone has the potential to succeed in this field. To put this belief into action, we strive to make our basic workshops accessible to individuals with zero background knowledge. By doing so, we empower them to apply security principles to everyone, ultimately contributing to a safer world.

Moreover, we are a non-profit organization. Over the past three years, we have largely funded our activities out of pocket because we are driven by a desire for systematic change. We do not discriminate or selectively support social causes and collaborations; instead, we encourage participation from everyone, regardless of their background. We are dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and supported.

We also provide a platform for students to share their knowledge and experiences with others. Join our community and connect with like-minded individuals here.

Our story:

Starting from 2 students working in cybersecurity in september 2021, today we have over 400 students with a wide range of skill levels, from experienced professionals to eager new students just starting out. We are holding bi-weekly events and training sessions in order to expand the general community awareness, as well as technical workshops related to cybersecurity for both offensive and defensive operations. Our motive for the mentors of this community are to provide the helping hand nobody had years ago, when cybersecurity was still a new field.

Nation-Wide CTF
Workshops Hosted
Hack N' Chill Meetings

Our calendar


Workshops are educational events where students can learn about a specific topic in cybersecurity. They are hosted by our mentors and are open to all members, regardless of their skill level!


Hack N' Chill meetings are a casual event where students can come together and work on their own projects, or work on challenges together. They are hosted by our members!


CTFs are a type of cybersecurity competition where students can solve challenges in order to gain points. We participate as team VUBar in various CTFs and are open to all members.


Other events are educational or social events that are not workshops, HnCs or CTFs. They are hosted by our mentors and are open to all members, usually focusing on a specific initiative.


Here are some of the organisations helping us carry out our mission.

Get in Touch

We’d love to hear from you!

If you have any questions, comments, or inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is here to assist you. For further information and Frequently Asked Questions, you can visit our FAQ page.